2010 World Picture Conference
Dates:29 - 30 Oct 2010
Locations:Oklahoma State University

29 - 30 Oct 2010
9.00 - 10.30 (Static)
French Lounge
Brian Price (Chair)
Eugenie Brinkema
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
“Forcing the Issue: Rape/Pornography/Representation”
Kristopher L. Cannon
Georgia State University
“From Picture to Image through Si(gh)tes Un-seen: An Oblique Optic to Illuminate Queer Fetal Photographs”
Elena Gorfinkel
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
“Expurgated Bodies: Naomi Uman’s Removed and the Work of Defacement
10.45 - 12.15 (Performance)
French Lounge
Alessandra Raengo (Chair)
Jennifer Johung
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
“Architectural Asymptote: Between Representation and Performance”
Scott Krzych
Oklahoma State University
“Chalk Talk: Glen Beck’s Hysterical Discourse”
Meghan Sutherland
Oklahoma State University
“Representation After Representation”
1.45 - 3.15 (Nonrepresentational)
French Lounge
Elena Gorfinkel (Chair)
Abe Geil
Duke University
“Everything Speaks”
Niels Niessen
University of Minnesota
“Cinematic Immanence: Carlos Reygadas’s Stellet Licht and Spinoza’s Third Kind of Knowledge”
Brian Price
Oklahoma State University
“Dramatic Thought”
3.30 - 5.00 (Materiality)
French Lounge
Bhaskar Sarkar (Chair)
Bishnupriya Ghosh
University of California, Santa Barbara
“Vital Remains: The Spectral Modern in Contemporary European Cinema”
Bhaskar Sarkar
University of California, Santa Barbara
“Plastic Archives: Documenting the Cinema-City”
Joshua Neves
University of California, Santa Barbara
“Representation as Pre-presentation: Modeling the Future in Olympic-era Beijing”
5.30 - 7.00 (Keynote)
French Lounge
Rey Chow
Duke University
“When Reflexivity Becomes Porn: Mutations of a Modernist Theoretical Practice”
Saturday 30 October, 2010
10.00 - 11.30 (Post-Human)
NRC 108
René Thoreau Bruckner (Chair)
Drew Ayers
Georgia State University
“After the Self: Kubrick as Vernacular Post- Humanist”
Brian Wall
Binghamton University
“Playing Dead: Mimesis and Mana in Adorno”
Agustin Zarzosa
SUNY Purchase
“Torchwood and the Posthuman Melodrama”
10.00 - 11.30 (History)
NRC 207
Meghan Sutherland (Chair)
Soumitra Ghosh
Oklahoma State University
“Mythos Interruptus: The Question of Restaging and National History in Rang De Basanti”
Steven Marsh
University of Illinois at Chicago
“True/False: Ethnography and Representation in Three 1960s Spanish Documentaries”
Pooja Rangan
Brown University
“Authenticating Precarious Life: Disaster Autoethnography and the Gamble of Immanent Critique”
11.45 - 1.15 (Re-Presentation)
NRC 108
Scott Krzych (Chair)
René Thoreau Bruckner
Oklahoma State University
“Re-presence: Spirals of Time”
Charles P. Linscott
Ohio University
“Photography as Écriture: Image and Sound in La Jetée and (nostalgia)”
Jeremy Powell
Brown University
“Representation’s Redemptions: Deleuze, Bersani, Cinema”
11.45 - 1.15 (Identity)
NRC 207
Chelsey Crawford (Chair)
Carol Mason
Oklahoma State University
“What’s this Cow Doing in My Queer Theory?”
Sam Perry
Georgia State University
“’Strange Fruit’ as Ekphrastic Poetry: Discursive and Visual Intersections”
Alessandra Raengo
Georgia State University
“Scenes of Exchange: Maggie’s Blackness and Other Insects”
2.45 - 4.45 (Hiatus)
NRC 108
Soumitra Ghosh (Chair)
Gregory Brown
Oklahoma State University
“The Movement Metaphor : Cinematic Movement and Its Figurative Potential”
Chelsey Crawford
Oklahoma State University
“Emptying the Viewer”
Sarah Osment
Brown University
“Ideologies of the Anaesthetic: Williams, Agee, Adorno”
Matt Tierney
Brown University
“A Dumb Blankness Full of Meaning”
2.45 - 4.45 (Forms)
NRC 207
Abe Geil (Chair)
Adam Cottrel
Oklahoma State University
“The Moment of Montage”
Kalling Heck
Oklahoma State University
“Consensus, Parataxis, Eisenstein”
Daniel Norford
Oklahoma State University
“Shot/Reverse-Shot as Nietzschean Event”
5.15 - 6.45 (Keynote)
NRC 106
Peter Hallward
Kingston University
“Representation, Participation, and Power; A Neo-Jacobin Persepective”