2009 World Picture Conference
Dates:23-24 October 2009
Locations:Oklahoma State University

Friday 23 October, 2009
9.00 - 10.30 (Life)
Case Study 3
Bishnupriya Ghosh
University of California, Santa Barbara
“’Life’ as Style: HIV/AIDS Outdoor Media Campaigns”
Todd McGowan
University of Vermont
“Disastrous Life Styles”
John David Rhodes
University of Sussex
“Style and Labor”
10.45 - 12.15 (Inessence)
Case Study 3
Richard Cante
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
“Post-Theatrical Cinematic Theatricality, and Post-Cinematic Theatrical Cinema”
Rosalind Galt
University of Sussex
“’Brash…Indecent…Libertine’”: Derek Jarman’s Pretty Colors”
Brian Price
Oklahoma State University
“Style and Identity”
10.45 - 12.15 (Medium)
Room 420
Drew Ayers
Georgia State University
“Planet Earth and the Televisual: Strategies of High Definition TV Aesthetics”
Charles Linscott
Ohio University
“The Lives and Deaths of Images: Digital Style and Inland Empire”
Michelle Menzies
University of Chicago
“The Epistemological Status of the Cinematic Detail: Lumière Cinema and Experience”
1.45 - 3.15 (Surface)
Case Study 3
Jennifer Barker
Georgia State University
“Thumbnails: Grasping the Soul of Cinema”
Alessandra Raengo
Georgia State University
“On the Sleeve of the Visual: Cutting through the Photographic Sur-face”
Meghan Sutherland
Oklahoma State University
“On the Ground: Figuring the Literal”
1.45 - 3.15 (History)
Room 420
Colin Burnett
University of Wisconsin-Madison
“A Case for the Non-Identity of Sequence Classes and Style Classes in Film Studies”
Chris Cagle
Temple University
“Theorizing House Style”
Sara Beth Levavy
Stanford University
“Narrative Presence: The Roosevelt Inaugural Illusion”
3.30 - 5.00 (Close-Up)
Case Study 4
Robert Cavanagh
Northwestern University
“Style, Play, Labor: Kobe Doin’ Work”
Carla Marcantonio
George Mason University
“A Sensuous Feel for the Cinematic Surfaces of Things’: Pedro Almodovar’s Extreme Close-ups”
Kristi McKim
Hendrix College
“Ephemeral Style: Intimate Scale and Subjectivity in Doris Dörrie’s Cherry Blossoms (2008)”
3.30 - 5.00 (Embodiment)
Room 420
Michele Prettyman Beverly
Georgia State University
“WildStyle: Initiations into the Visual Style of Early Hip Hop and the Art of Jean-Michel Basquiat”
Sarah Childress
Vanderbilt University
“The Subject of Film Manifestos”
Amanda M. Dennis
University of Cambridge
“Style and the Language of Space”
5.30 (Keynote)
NRC 106
Alexander Garcia Duttmann
“Kafka and the Life of the Letter”
Saturday 24 October, 2009
10.30 - 12.00 (Understatement)
Room 108
Zach Campbell
Northwestern University
“At the Waterfall’s Edge: Cinema, the Neutral, and Forms of Neutrality”
Chelsey Crawford
Oklahoma State University
“The Permeable Self: Theorizing Cinematic Quotation”
Jeff Scheible
University of California, Santa Barbara
“On Parenthetical Style”
10.30 - 12.00 (Anachrony)
Room 207
Michael Gillespie
Ohio University
“Digging In The Crates: Hip Hop, Art Cinema, and Jim Jarmusch’s Ghost Dog (1999)”
Michael Lawrence
University of West England
“Style and Anachronism in Francois Ozon’s Angel”
Brian Wall
Binghamton University
“Style and Belatedness”
12.15 - 1.45 (Impossibility)
NRC 108
Elena Gorfinkel
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
“Decomposing Cinema”
Jason McGrath
University of Minnesota
“Socialist Formalism: Cultural Revolution Model Opera Films and the End(s) of Chinese Revolutionary Cinema”
Alexander M. Thimons
Northwestern University
“The Look of Testimony: Jonestown and the Limits of Documentary”
12.15 - 1.45 (Contingency)
NRC 207
Sam Ishii-Gonzalez
The New School
“Logic of Relations: The Montage Problematic in Modern Cinema”
Patrick Keating
Trinity University
“Fictional Worlds and Film Style”
Scott Krzych
Oklahoma State University
“Automotivations: Kiarostami’s ‘Mobile Way of Looking’”
Angelo Restivo
Georgia State University
“Gravity: Cinematic and the post-Cinematic”
3.15 - 5.00 (Transnationalities)
NRC 108
Nicole Rizzuto
Oklahoma State University
“Formal Exigencies of the Transnational in Caribbean Late Modernism”
Bhaskar Sarkar
University of California, Santa Barbara
“At the Taj (Style-Sheet for a Plastic Nationalism)”
Marina Peterson
Ohio University
“Sonic States: Experimental Improvised Music, Cultural Exchange, and Cosmopolitan Style”
Raysh Weiss
University of Minnesota
“Samba in the Snow: Diaspora and Identity”
3.15 - 5.00 (Negativity)
NRC 207
Abraham Geil
Duke University
“Looking Negativity in the Face”
Matt Tierney
Brown University
“Douglas Sirk’s Blind Stylistics”
Soumitra Ghosh
Oklahoma State University
“Luck by Chance, Or the Aesthetics of Over-stylization”
Hugh Manon
Oklahoma State University
“Styles of the Phallus”
5.30 (Keynote)
NRC 106
Edward Branigan
“Of Style and Theory Talk”